Best Advertising Size And Ad Format On Smartphone For Ad Campaigns

Wherever you go there is always a smartphone presence. Sure, mobile phones have become more ingrained in our lifestyles than any other media.

As in Mary Meeker report:

  • 29% of the daily screen time for viewers via smartphones
  • Global mobile data traffic has increased by nearly 70%
  • Mobile orders make up 24% of communication time in the US
  • Mobile device time is 51% higher than US desktop computers

Therefore, mobile advertising is important for brands and advertisers (when it is done properly). Therefore, many people wonder: What is the best mobile advertising format for Marketing campaigns?

Although there are many different ad networks, there is nothing like a universal ad format. Instead, let’s take a look at the types of ads available for mobile phones – traditions and trends. Understand how they work, learn how to choose the best mobile ad format to monetize your marketing campaign on your mobile phone.

Standard Banner Ads

Banner Ads 320 x 50 pixels; static or dynamic, often messy content at the top or bottom of the screen. This is the most popular ad format so far. Previously, these ad formats created random, inefficient clicks. Now, it can be more effective if done in the appropriate context: passive, difficult to mistakenly click and do not interrupt the user experience.

Unfortunately, this also makes it easy to fall into “banner blindness” (a syndrome that users have developed an unintentional protest with a banner).

The success of the ads banner depends a lot on the brand’s identity. Big brands can take advantage of its minimal space without additional information when they are known. Unlike famous brands, they need more information into the small space, ending with a messy content.

Banner ads are flexible and simple. You can quickly produce finished products and deploy. However, this does not compensate for its terrible results and low CTR rates. It creates the least income among all types of ads. But banner ads aren’t quite a dark scenario. Sometimes, it can still be effective in the premise when users are active in the application and there is concentration.

According to different experts, banner design needs to be carefully balanced with eye-catching, subtle content but not distracting users from the application experience. Advertisers should highlight clear, concise main features or services. Avoid bright colors, excessive text or trivial graphics.

Some interesting findings of InMobi are on Android, banner ads that bring the best conversion for lifestyle content (2.02%); on iOS, the banner ads work best for classified content (2.7%).


  • Available on all screens
  • Can be done in large volumes
  • The cheapest format
  • Very quickly deployed
  • Easy to integrate


  • Limited space
  • Quickly fell into the “banner blindness” syndrome.
  • Although fighting with the lack of space and banner blindness of users with a dynamic content display. It’s still not as effective as its other counterparts (as you’ll see below).

Interstitials Ads (Full Screen)

Interstitial ads are images that cover the entire mobile screen at 320 x 480 pixels. This is the most popular size because it allows for more contextual, call-to-action, and more creative content such as videos, archives, location and more. This allows you to encourage more participation so raising SAR (specific absorption index) for better performance and brand recognition.

Normally, interstitials appear at important moments during navigation, such as opening, browsing pages, or between games. It requires user actions; often click a button to close the ad or swipe to navigate to the desired content.

Interstitials is a straight-forward ad format from the web that fits perfectly on mobile devices. Its ability is to grab the user’s attention; especially the full screen display on mobile phones is very attractive to advertisers. You don’t have to worry about click errors, because it only appears between pages while an application is being used.

Advertisers can create beautiful and engaging content with high quality artwork and attractive copies. This can reduce the disruption factor for users.

According to many experts, interstitial ads are best placed in games with levels. The natural breakthrough in gameplay between levels allows transitional ads to appear appropriately. Do not interrupt user experience. Therefore, publishers should not push interstitial ads in the middle of the game.

Interstitial has been reported as well. InMobi Interstitial ads have 2-3 times higher click-through rates than banner ads. Most interstitial ads are very high.


  • The space is wider
  • Message, content display and storage ratio is wider
  • Intriguing visually
  • High Impression
  • High conversion rate
  • Can provide interactive multimedia and animation content


  • High click-through rate in case of bad location
  • High CTR can make it difficult to close interstitial ads
  • Ask for more detail about the design work and the appropriate location to place

Native ads

Native Ads come in many different forms and sizes. It combines advertising messages with user-centric content. Meaning instead of providing ad publishers, they will be provided for the components of the ad. That depends on how they display the components appropriately on the application. Therefore, the ad will appear as part of the application content – so it has the name “native”.

It is similar to banner ads, but they do not occupy a specific screen space or are fully displayed. Users can still browse the content while viewing the ad, but because it is a “native” interface, it is less eye-catching and does not interrupt the user experience. Your ad will appear contextually relevant. Therefore, mobile native ads are highly effective. For example, advertising for cosmetics lies in the middle of the article about how to apply makeup in the blog reader application.

Many people assume that the native ads format is the best mobile ad format. This is because the native ads appear to match the context and content. Users consider advertising as a new content in their information flow and make it reasonable. These contributions make them more likely to click on ads.

That’s why CTR is excellent with static content. For example: Native ads on Facebook Ads, Twitter’s Ads or Instagram Ads. The targeting ability for these platforms is extremely accurate. It allows advertisers or brands to find the right people for your product or service.

Some statistics about native ads.

Native ads are viewed 53% more than banner ads. (Source: Dedicated Media)

Heineken Light has reached 54% of the audience – 35 million people – in just three days of using video ads on Facebook. (Source: Facebook)

32% of consumers said they would share native ads with friends and family, with ads, this figure was 19%. (Source: ShareThrough)


  • Fewer wrong clicks than other formats
  • Higher clickthrough rate (10.6%)
  • Better interaction rate of ads (14.0%)
  • Improved user experience


  • Ask more about adapting to ads on countless possibilities due to its flexible format

Video Ads

In-app video ads have gradually become more popular. When mobile phones become the dominant advertising channel, advertisers are spending their advertising for videos. According to VentureBeat, mobile video advertising costs tripled in 2015, with global advertising costs rising to 71% of mobile advertising spending in the third quarter. Expanding video ads on mobile devices is a right step. High interaction rate, this makes them suitable for advertising games and famous brands.

Typical video ads run from 15 to 30 seconds when users press to play. While some advertisers invest in higher budget video ads that will automatically play when viewed. Video on mobile phones is quite attractive. Unlike desktop computers, users focus on video ads whenever they join the device. They don’t have much purpose around video ads.

However, advertisers must be careful because it can be returned. Poorly created or improperly placed ads will cause users to experience problems and cause them to close the application. Therefore, it is important that video ads should be brief (as mentioned in the range from 15 to 30 seconds). And as we said in previous formats, ad placement must be very natural in the user’s app journey.

Brand advertisers should ensure that there is an attractive screen to encourage users to play videos. They should think creatively when introducing a video to users. Due to its natural tendency to interrupt user experience, advertisers should consider only revealing videos after a banner is clicked. In addition, to minimize the risk of annoyance to users, video playback automatically will not run without sound and allow users the option to turn on or off.

The mobile video playback rate is higher on the application (14.0%) than mobile web (8.3%). While the video completion rate is slightly higher in the application (53.3%) than mobile web (52.7%).


  • Users like them
  • Focus attention
  • Good for the brand


  • Expensive to produce
  • Can be mistakenly clicked incorrectly
  • You can’t force viewers – if that person has seen it before, chances are they won’t want to watch it again. However, if your ad is great, you can have more views. So it’s best to allow users to share that video and hope for a viral social campaign.

How to choose the mobile ad format?

There are no rules when you choose the appropriate ad format for your mobile phone campaign. To find the ad format that works best for you, you’ll have to experiment. With a multitude of ad formats and multimedia components, there’s a lot of creativity.

However, you have to start somewhere. So perhaps the following questions will help you determine an appropriate ad format for your mobile device’s Marketing campaign.

What are the goals of your campaign and your earning goals?

Who is your target audience?

Are you looking for a refined user experience (UX)? Or to balance UX with revenue?

Do you want less misleading ads?

Are you looking to run a performance campaign or brand promotion?

Which inventory and platform are you targeting?

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