Why We Should Not Ignore Behavioral Policy

In behavior policy, there are several main rules that publishers need to follow to pass the screening process of Google. To be more specific, Ad Placement and Invalid Impressions are the two main important parts of defining whether Ads are acceptable or not.

Invalid Impressions and Clicks

Google treats invalid activity very seriously, which means analyzing all clicks and impressions. This action is for determine whether they fit a pattern of use that might affect an advertiser’s costs or a publisher’s earnings. If they determine that publisher account might pose a risk to advertisers, they may disable that account to protect advertisers’ interests.

Publishers disabled for invalid activity or violating policies may not be allowed any further participation in other Google publisher monetization solutions. This means, if a publisher had an account disabled for invalid activity or policy violations, they would not be able to use other accounts to monetize. Thus, these publishers may not open any new accounts.

If that publisher opens additional accounts, Google will flag the accounts as duplicates and then one or both accounts will be disabled.

Ad Placement

In behavioral policy, publishers are encouraged to experiment with a variety of placements and ad formats. However, they must follow some specific application implementations to make sure that they do not fail in comply with Google permission:

  1. Ads should not be placed very close to or underneath buttons or any other object such that the placement of the ad interferes with a user’s typical interaction with the app or ad.
  2. Ads should not be placed in a location that covers up or hides any area that users have interest in viewing during typical interaction. In addition, Ads should not be placed in areas where users will randomly click or place their fingers on the screen.
  3. Ads should not be placed on an ending screen. There must be a way to exit a screen without clicking the ad such as a ‘back’ or ‘menu’ button. Moreover,  user should be notified that the home button will exit the application.
  4. Ads should not be placed in applications that are running in the background of the device or outside of the app environment. Examples include: ads served in widgets; ads launched before the app has opened or after the app has been closed.
  5. Ads should not be placed in a way that prevents viewing the app’s core content and placed in a way that interferes with navigating or interacting with the app’s core content and functionality. Examples include: an interstitial ad triggered every time a user clicks within the app.
  6. Ads should not be placed on any non-content-based pages such as thank you, error, log in, or exit screens. Ads that are the main focus on these types of screens can confuse a visitor into thinking that the ads are actual content, so do not place ads on such screens.

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