Interstitial Ads: 3 Common Violations When Setting

Interstitial ad is one of the most popular ads used by many publishers, so be sure to look out for these 3 violations when setting to avoid unwanted result.


Among various types of ads, interstitial ad is one of the most popular ads that used by many publishers. They provide rich interactive ads for users on mobile apps. Moreover, interstitial ads are designed to center content. So it is best to place them at natural transition points in the application.

However, failure to follow these guidelines may result in invalid activity and Google disabling ad serving to your application. Here are 3 common violations when setting interstitial ads and recommendation.

#1 App load or exit

Do not place interstitial ads on app load and when exiting apps as interstitials should only be placed in between pages of app content. Ads should not be placed in applications that are running in the background of the device or outside of the app environment.

App loading:

App exiting:


#2 Repeated or recurring interstitials

Examples of non-compliant implementations include but are not limited to:

  • Placing an interstitial ad after every user action, including but not limited to clicks, swipes, etc. Publishers should place no more than one interstitial ad after every two user actions within their app. This requirement also applies when a user clicks the Back button within the app.
  • Placing an interstitial ad immediately after another interstitial ad was shown to and closed by the user.

-> Apps should not trigger an interstitial ad every time a user clicks within the app.

-> Ads should not be placed in a way that prevents viewing the app’s core content. And should not be placed in a way that interferes with navigating or interacting with the app’s core content and functionality.

#3 Interstitials that unexpectedly launch

Your app does not surprise users with interstitial ads. Placing interstitial ads so that they suddenly appear when a user is focused on a task at hand (e.g. playing a game, filling out a form, reading content). This may lead to accidental clicks and often creates a frustrating user experience. For this reason, interstitial ads should only be implemented at logical breaks in between publisher app’s content (e.g. pages, stages, or levels) to ensure that the user is prepared to engage with the ad.


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